Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today I Adore Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! December was a crazy month of finals and family so the blog was severely neglected and this picture was taken almost three weeks ago {so you see I had good intentions}. Well I love the beginning of a New Year because everything feels brand new. I have made a few resolutions and I plan on keeping them {miraculously I always do... weird right?}. 

K and I have made the goal to be amazing budgeters... yes amazing, not just good or decent but amazing. We have already begun and it's exciting. 

Also we have given ourselves a bedtime that must be reached at least four times a week so we can be healthy and happy in the morning :)

Lastly I am working on my running, three times a week is the goal... I am a little nervous about this one BUT I am determined to do it.

What about you guys?

Sweater: Old Navy - $10.00
Blouse: Old Navy - $5.00
Necklace: Wetseal - $5.00 {?}
Jeans: AEO - $29.99
Shoes: Report - $12.99

You will have to excuse my blurry hand, for some reason I COULD NOT stand still :)

Also on a side note today was the first day of my LAST semester at University! AHH :) I'm excited about it and nervous... it's a weird feeling so have your formal education coming to a close. But it will be good. Anyways, I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Years or any other holiday you were celebrating. Have a great day!

xoxo, nb

P.S. What did you adore today?

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