Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Who is Justice Beaver?

I'm back! So my leave of absence is over, you wouldn't believe how crazy busy my week was... to busy. Anyways last weekend I bought this necklace and I fell in love with it instantly so I wore it for my "comeback".

So you might be wondering about my title. First question: Do you watch The Office? Dwight and Jim want to sabotage an employee so Jim suggests that they give a radio station their colleagues number as a hotline to win  Justin Bieber tickets. Dwight replies with Who is Justice Beaver? Jim says Ummm a crime fighting beaver... Kennedy and I laugh and laugh about this... mainly he laughs about it and I think it's funny that he's still laughing about it. haha. 

So the point of this picture was that my nails are this beautiful minty green that Kennedy bought me for Valentines day (could he be anymore amazing?) and I was wearing this cute baby pink bangle and a mint green bangle that matched amazing and I loved it. You can't really see it but I enjoyed the sun behind me so ce la vie! (La Vie... thats for all you Easy A fans). Anyways great day, loved my outfit. Hope you all had an amazing day and felt beautiful!
your girl, nb


  1. Thanks, gotta love Forever 21 :)

  2. Haha, the Office makes my week. I laughed so hard at that scene. Great belt and necklace. So cute!

    North Meets South

  3. Hahaha! I loved that episode and loved that you made a post about it, also and completely love this outfit!!

    Meet Virginia Design
    Check out my awesome Ande Monster Giveaway mmmk!!

  4. i laughed so hard when he said that. so hard. JB is kinda my homeboy so ... you know.


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